XenoPixel Soundboard - Custom Font Package
Hello Saber Fans,
This package is made for the XenoPixel Soundboards. If you have a XenoPixel installed saber then this sound package is for you. It has many remixed and upgraded sounds, plus many added premium and custom fonts. The package contains the following upgrades.
Each font has the following sounds included.
* Font Sound
* Power On and Off
* Hum
* Smoothswing Pairs
* Clash Sounds
* Blaster Sounds
* Lock Up FX
* Force FX
* Drag FX
** Track Music (not every font has this included)
1. Remastered All Menu Sounds. (Cleaner sounding menus)
2. Remastered All 5 Pre-On Sounds. (More dynamic)
10 Premium Fonts
1. Decay (Greyscale Fonts)
2. Magnetic (Greyscale Fonts)
3. Z-Bike (Blue Force Sabers)
4. Pacific Rim (Blue Force Sabers)
5. Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Blue Force Sabers)
6. Cybernetic Knight (Blue Force Sabers)
7. TimeSynth (Blue Force Sabers)
8. Son Of Darkness (Dark Path Media)
9. Pitch Black (Lord Blako)
10. Mando (Blue Force Sabers)
Just a quick, download, copy, and paste onto your sabers sd card and you'll be having even more fun than before!
**Digital Download will include txt file info to download the font package.**